Thursday, October 19, 2006

I just found a new review of the Hornband Cd online. It is on a site

Lots of great jazz info your for you jazz will want to bookmark this one.

I like the quote about Howard's tuba playing that says; tuba playing that is sensitive, dynamic and hitting notes that are simply unbelievable."

Thanks to Paul Youngman for his kind words!


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hello blogger liking people:

Just off the air with Ron Gaskin doing his Wednesday morning show on CKLN 88.1 in Toronto and I hope you can call and pledge immediately. 416 598-8810

CKLN is a home for everything alternative and I hope you listen to it and support it.

I quite enjoy all kinds of radio, from classic rock, sports radio and lots of CBC (oh yah.....Jazz radio too!!) but coming back to CKLN any time during the week (especially Wednesdays between 7 and llam) feels like home.

Sorry I can't be there in person Ron (trust me....I am very sad and dissapointed about my flat tire too)

598-8810 598-8810 598-8810 598-8810 598-8810 598-8810 598-8810 598-8810 598-8810 598-8810

p.s. You can win the Albert Ayler box set if you pledge right now!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 it second music video!!

Some of you will be glad I got away from the home video/family slideshow idea and some of you will be dissapointed.

Hope you like it. Watch for it on Youtube too!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Good to be back from Quebec...waded through and responded occasionally to almost 300 emails...ouch.

Lots to say and do but wanted to make special mention of our Captain; Mats Sundin...500th Goal...overtime, shorthanded winner!!!!

He is truly amazing. The Leafs are looking way better than anyone predicted...hope it continues.

I will continue blogging as soon as I unpack my dirty underwear (?).

p.s. stay tuned here for the link to my second video I worked on while on vacation in Quebec...should be up on youtube any day (a few finishing touches!)

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