Saturday, January 08, 2005

Playing with my kids is almost always great, fun and more but not always. Sometimes it is even boring. My latest fixation is making puzzles with my two year old so they are not the original picture....IE, an abstract result that is in my opinion as or more beautiful than the intended picture was.

You can even try what I am talking about here

Not sure it will be as satisfying online but...

Am I having a blogger deja vous?....hmmm oh well. Enjoy!


Thursday, January 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by tim posgate.
Just putting out the garbage, compost and recyling nearly kills me every week. I am reminded tonight that those who want to just make art should never buy a house or have a family. (again, I have no regrets...I am a lucky man!)

I had a great chat with my pal Dave today that reminded me that I am very lucky to make the music that I do, a little touring, a new cd every couple years and a great family!

No money, no hits, no world domination...but I am lucky.


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I had a good chat on the phone yesterday with a fellow guitarist friend of mine. He was giving me some good inspiration about how he works on guitar voicings. I hung up feeling inspired but truth be is hard for me to imagine putting much time into something like that. I just don't have the time and it is not a priority in my music right now.

If you are one with lots of time and interest in this type of thing check out mr.goodchord It is Mick Goodrick's book on voicings.

I actually have only heard about it but have read his book the Advancing Guitarist (which I would recommend checking out first)

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

world Junior Hockey

world Junior Hockey
Originally uploaded by tim posgate.
I am super happy to watch the world junior canadian team win the tournament gold tonight. Not as happy to have my five year old home with chicken pox, immediately after christmas holiday.

If these things are the important and exciting things on my mind tonight I should feel fortunate and I do.

Hope you are feeling good out there too!

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