Saturday, January 25, 2003

with all the blog readers in the Toronto area (..haha), I am a little nervous about advertising this gig here in fear of my friends
not being able to get into the show because it sells out early. Anyways; tommorrow night (Sun) Rob Clutton Launches his new CD at ARtword Theatre on Portland south of King st. at 8pm (two sets) The show will also feature a premiere of a new piece
Rob commissioned me to write with the help of the Canada Council called "This is Not a Parade" (see this weeks Now
magazine for a nice review of the new disc!!)

Thursday, January 23, 2003

I am very sad to hear that the great poet, artist, film maker Paul Haines passed away on Tuesday. His work he is most famious for in the jazz world is the Libretto for Carla Bley's Escalator Over the Hill. I have had the pleasure of getting to know him a little over the past year or so and I am so sad that it all stops, today, when I read of his passing in an email. He had a great sense of humour
and I look forward to learing more about him and letting others know more about his work. As of late he has been a great
inspiration for me for many new pieces I have been working on with poetry/text.

Monday, January 20, 2003

Todays topic: Fringe jazz eh. Do we need another festival? I am really not sure either way. It was a good event here
last year in there are all new venues, new guidlines, new dates, new name,new, its second year.

too fast? maybe. Catch Larry talking about it today on CIUT after 3pm and wednesday morning on CKLN after 8pm

I look forwrd to taking part again in some capacity. Maybe I will just be a jazz fan this time....

Sunday, January 19, 2003

Publicity: open to the knowledge of all....It is an interesting part of art/music. Running my own record company leads me
to spending a fair bit of time working on publicity. Sometimes at the expense
of time I could have worked more on the music. (Now I use a really good publicist for touring) This rarely makes me happy but; neither does playing to an empty room.
By continually putting effort into publicity for my music I can almost gauruntee that more and more people will hear the music
that I am creating, slowly I make a little more money creating original music and this helps me be able to continue to focus
on my work and keep moving forward to the next project. This note if for the knowledge of all.

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