it appears that one must click on the time of the post in order to add a comment to the blog. This sounds way to difficult if you ask me.
I will have to contact the folks and figure out what I am misunderstanding about all this.
A Canadian perspective on parenting, jazz, hockey, banjo, composing, practising guitar, hockey, do they all relate? Tune in here!
it appears that one must click on the time of the post in order to add a comment to the blog. This sounds way to difficult if you ask me.
Yes, well...let's take a survey...since I can get messages that you this preferable. I guess I am being read from Croatia right up to just north of St. Clair Ave. (toronto) ...haha. Perhaps it was better when it wasnt "interactive?" Is the whole response-thing over rated?
things are title!!! lets see if it shows up. test, test, one two four three....
I am going to try having my blog able to receive comments. Let's see if I can figure it out. seems they want me to cut and paste html or something....hmmmm.
There is a review of Yashin Blake's new book on ECW Press in today's book section of the Globe. Yashin is one of the few critics I have ever had the pleasure of saying how creative his writing was. I should point out that he was reviewing Jazzstory in a great (now deceased) Toronto visual arts mag called Lola.
I am not feeling really inspired to write but...can be good to get something out no matter how large or small...I was inspired and excited by my sister's photographs from her trip to China. Not only was the trip a massive effort, challenging for language reasons, beautiful architecture, family experiences, country vs city type travelling but she takes some great photos.
yes, I am back....but just in the door. In the spirit of technology....wanted to post right away. Seems there is some talk of virus....always wonder what is real and what is ....