Wednesday, January 30, 2013

my current favourite recording!

I love having a new favourite recording. I always have a fave recording of the day week month etc. but it is extra special when it is new. It is also extra special when it is by a friend of mine. Brooklyn fiddle player, composer, arranger, pianist...Dana Lyn is a very special artist. Currently you can see her onstage in New York with Ethan Hawke in the play Clive. The reason I am telling you about her is because her latest CD; The Hare Said A Prayer to the Rainbow and Followed the Fox Down the Hole is rocking my world. As I get more and more interested and involved in the folk, roots, fiddle world etc. I am discovering artists like Dana Lyn who have embrace a tradition (or many) and taken it to a new exciting level. (If you are not a regular reader here you may not know how big a fan of Punch Brothers I am) This Cd she has mad with Kyle Sanna on acoustic guitar is very special. It features traditional and original music from the Irish diaspora as well as some Bach and a nice light sprinkling of electronics and overdubs. Even the happy, fun CD package and the artwork are made with such fine attention to detail. (also designed by Dana Lyn!) Both these artists are clearly at the top of their game. They play their instruments with beautiful tone, phrasing and dynamics; so much so that it give me goosebumps at times. You can buy it at the excellent online CD Store; CD Baby (yes, some of my CDs are available there too!) I am going back to listen again (second time today!) tim posgate

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