Hey its my Birthday!!
I love birthdays. Hoping to get out to the Balfour books annual sale (50% off ) and Soundscapes..(my daily visit?)
What a fun night last night...me, my guitars and my records late night in the basement. I was so happy
to be playing the guitar. Improvising with Shakti...what a record! (sorry Rob...will return that someday)
Hendrix, Max Webster, Jimmy Smith, Wayne Shorter's Atlantis (great record that very few people talk about)
Hit the park with the boys and the blue sky!! (I love blue sky on my Birthday)
Looking forward to Hockey Night in Canada and then off to martin arnold's Rat Drifting. (if all goes well)
Artists can be selfish (myself included) but I always try to take it even a little further on March 13.
I am a lucky guy.