I am enjoying the day. Had a great coversation with Corry and Lisa Patterson last night about what lucky lives we lead and how it takes something like New Orleans (ie. close to home) to remind us of this. I am enjoying some of that luxury today as I work at my fancy computer, watch a replay of the great tennis match Agassi (my fave) played last night (usually I would never turn the tv on in the day unless there was a special hockey event!) and not feeling any pressure to fill every minute with practising, composing etc.
Having said that I am very inspired after playing with my new musical friend last night Marianne Trudel. She is so good. We are going to perform together again for sure. Her chops and here creativity remind me that I need to keep working hard to become a better musician...viva les musicians jeune! (is that the spelling for young?)
I think I feel extra good today, even though I only slept for six hours as I am not drinking these days. On the wagon for a month. I like to clear out the system every now and again. (never tried it for a month before!)