Saturday, April 05, 2003

I dont really feel like writing to or for the public today. Might be the weather. I am in a mood that makes me wonder if anyone
cares what I have to say anyways. Self pity? I hope not, I don't have much to be unhappy about in my little world. I am a lucky guy.

I hope those with large problems today find some peace, some love and some happiness somehow, somewhere.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Must remember to set my VCR on sunday so I can watch the Junos when I come home from my show. Dont you guys forget either. Should be fun.

Shania Twain, Blue Rodeo with the Horns (yah Rich!!) Plus, lets see what kinda vibe the big O can provide.

ARtword theatre Sunday April 6, 8pm. call for details. 416 530-0688

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

I am looking forward to Sunday's concert at the Artword Theatre. The piece I wrote them should sound really good as they have
been performing it on tour out west. It will be exciting for the Horn Band to play for the first time with Jeremy Trupp on Tuba

IF you want to come it is 8pm this Sunday. $10 but save $2 if you bring a poem from the last 24 hours.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

It is so exciting to realise that your friends and/or the people you work with are among the best or at least MY favourite
musicians, composers etc. in the world. I guess I am reminded of this as I enjoy the New John Millard Cd and think about my
recent (soon to be released) disc featuring all this great playing by these folks, upcoming projects and all the great music people like Rob Clutton, Lina Allemano, Andrew Downing, Jean Martin and many more are making these days. Watch out comes Toronto!! (here comes Canada!!)

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