Saturday, November 20, 2004


Originally uploaded by tim posgate.
Sorry for being a bit absent on the blog tip folks...I have been a little bit busy, a little bit empty and a little depressed.

the depression comes from a stroke of bad luck. In the last few weeks we have had to buy a new washing machine, someone is under our house as I speak digging up our plumbing and minutes ago my mini van's transmission went...(not under warranty anymore!!)

I can only blog so much when it gets this bad. As i said to my dad, it could be worse. Its just money. Health and family and friends are way more important but let me tell you this sucks.

good thing I am about to release the cd that is going to take me to easy street. haha

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

In Through the Outside

In Through the Outside
Originally uploaded by tim posgate.
I havent confirmed this to be true but I heard that the CIUT program In Through the Outside has been cancelled because of weak fundraising.

I am really sad about this. I have listened to this show for ten years at least.

I feel extra bad as I was away for the fundraising drive.

the manager there is a bad apple. I know he is trying to make things work in the $ category but this is outrageous. One bad fund drive is not a good reason for this.

I am really hoping it is not true.


p.s. looking forward to the fesitval next week

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Originally uploaded by tim posgate.
snowed in in Halifax...this is almost the view we have...ok not quite.

I am glad to be with my pals...Jean cooked up a great breakfast and now we listen to many many cds together....lots of

It is frustrating trying to get info from Canjet. They tell me the plane is leaving at two but apparently there is no power at the airport and wont be until 3pm...hmmmm....big slingshot?

I hope we go soon...will be great to get home to see my family. its only been five days but I am so used to being around them all the time that I miss them a lot already.



Originally uploaded by tim posgate.
Well, we did it, we found fishcakes at Ardmores tea house. Great restaurant. although they were out of beans...go figure....I dont even like beans and I was disapointed.

What a great time we had hear in Halifax. Paul Cram is an important part of Canadian Jazz. Fun to be around him again.

Lots of new frienda and musical relationships. Looking forward to getting a recording of the whole show...memories..from the corner of my fishcakes....

sleep soon....

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