Sunday, April 01, 2007

I don't remember ever having to choose between the JUNOs and a big Leaf game like tonight. Both start at 7pm (although I am still confused about the TV coverage of the Junos because of some silly American show with big ratings)

Another reminder that the Junos belong on our national broadcaster the CBC.

Was fun to see the musicians playing the former NHLers on TSN yesterdays in the JUNO cup. Richard Underhill made us jazz musicians proud and it was a fun event that I really hope I get to partake in before my game slows down.

Regardless of all the TV hoopla tonight the thing I really look forward to the most is heading out the door to play ice hockey. Nothing beats it!

tim posgate


At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch the Leaf Game!!!

The televised Junos are usually a big letdown and there's only 7 awards being handed out. You never know how bad you skate til you see yourself on TSN!!! Thanks for the mention. Tim! Go Leafs Go!



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