Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dufferin Grove Park is one of the best family places in town, hands down! It is run with great spirit by community folks that care. There are such great events, food, parties, Farmers market, skating, swimming and everything you can imagine all under the shade of some nice old trees that are spread all over the park.

Somehow, every now and again the City of Toronto seems to threaten the idea of this perfection by taking it over fully and trying to make it like all the other parks.

It really is hard to believe and I would only guess that none of the people trying to do this have ever spent much time there and definitely don't have kids.

If you are one who uses this park and wants to get involved in keeping it going the way it is now, here is some info.

To CONTACT THE OMBUDSMAN regarding this issue you may visit the website at:

The e-mail address is: and the phone number is: 416-392-7062. TTY is available: 416-392-7100

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At 9:53 AM, Blogger onegirl said...

That was a blast. Illegal activities can definitely be fun... which makes you wonder, why are they illegal?

Here's the link to the interview I mentioned to you with Marissa, of tinygrants:


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