Monday, December 29, 2003

Help...I am lost in the holiday fog. Ok, its not that bad i guess. I am back to getting some work done every day.

It makes me feel so good. I do at least three straight hours of composing and I feel way better! I am reading
a book called the the War of Art by Steven Pressfield. It is definitely helping my focus, and get to the pencil
and paper so to speak.

Just watched an interesting DVD called House of Fools. Would have been great had it not been for all the
scenes with Bryan Adams. ( I suppose their relationship to him in Russia is somewhat different than ours)

I am very happy to have my new Cd all finished and pressed. It has been almost three years and I was
starting to wonder if I would get this one done. It is a good feeling but I am also excited about moving forward
on to the next project.

I do need to figure out how to get the new CD "to the people" as I wont be touring this CD. Too big a project
too many people etc.

Watch for CD release party info here though: I am hoping it will be a skating party!! Yahhhh!


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